DHL Shipping Rates

Document s up to 2.0Kg

KG Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Zone 5Zone 6Zone 7Zone 8Zone 9Zone 10
0.5 12 285.0012 588.0015 166.0015 478.0015 306.0015 609.0020 463.0017 925.0019 334.0025 658.00
1.0 12 285.0012 588.0015 166.0015 478.0015 306.0015 609.0020 463.0017 925.0019 334.0025 658.00
1.5 12 285.0012 588.0015 166.0015 478.0015 306.0015 609.0020 463.0017 925.0019 334.0025 658.00
2.0 12 285.0012 588.0015 166.0015 478.0015 306.0015 609.0020 463.0017 925.0019 334.0025 658.00

Non-document 0.5kg & documents from 2.0kg

KG Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Zone 5Zone 6Zone 7Zone 8Zone 9Zone 10
0.5 12 932.0013 250.0015 476.0015 794.0016 112.0016 430.0020 670.0018 868.0020 352.0026 182.00
1.0 12 932.0013 250.0015 476.0015 794.0016 112.0016 430.0020 670.0018 868.0020 352.0026 182.00
1.5 12 932.0013 250.0015 476.0015 794.0016 112.0016 430.0020 670.0018 868.0020 352.0026 182.00
2.0 12 932.0013 250.0015 476.0015 794.0016 112.0016 430.0020 670.0018 868.0020 352.0026 182.00
2.5 15 582.0016 006.0018 974.0019 398.0019 928.0020 246.0025 122.0023 320.0025 122.0030 952.00
3.0 17 702.0018 126.0022 154.0022 684.0023 532.0023 850.0029 468.0027 666.0029 786.0035 616.00
3.5 19 822.0020 246.0025 334.0025 970.0027 136.0027 454.0033 814.0032 012.0034 450.0040 280.00
4.0 21 942.0022 366.0028 514.0029 256.0030 740.0031 058.0038 160.0036 358.0039 114.0044 944.00
4.5 24 062.0024 486.0031 694.0032 542.0034 344.0034 662.0042 506.0040 704.0043 778.0049 608.00
5.0 26 182.0026 606.0034 874.0035 828.0037 948.0038 266.0046 852.0045 050.0048 442.0054 272.00
5.5 28 090.0028 514.0037 948.0039 008.0041 552.0041 870.0051 198.0049 396.0053 106.0058 936.00
6.0 29 998.0030 422.0041 022.0042 188.0045 156.0045 474.0055 544.0053 742.0057 770.0063 600.00
6.5 31 906.0032 330.0044 096.0045 368.0048 760.0049 078.0059 890.0058 088.0062 434.0068 264.00
7.0 33 814.0034 238.0047 170.0048 548.0052 364.0052 682.0064 236.0062 434.0067 098.0072 928.00
7.5 35 722.0036 146.0050 244.0051 728.0055 968.0056 286.0068 582.0066 780.0071 762.0077 592.00
8.0 37 630.0038 054.0053 318.0054 908.0059 572.0059 890.0072 928.0071 126.0076 426.0082 256.00
8.5 39 538.0039 962.0056 392.0058 088.0063 176.0063 494.0077 274.0075 472.0081 090.0086 920.00
9.0 41 446.0041 870.0059 466.0061 268.0066 780.0067 098.0081 620.0079 818.0085 754.0091 584.00
9.5 43 354.0043 778.0062 540.0064 448.0070 384.0070 702.0085 966.0084 164.0090 418.0096 248.00
10.0 45 262.0045 686.0065 614.0067 628.0073 988.0074 306.0090 312.0088 510.0095 082.00100 912.00
11.0 48 018.0048 866.0071 550.0073 776.0080 984.0081 302.0098 792.0096 778.00103 774.00109 604.00
12.0 50 774.0052 046.0077 486.0079 924.0087 980.0088 298.00107 272.00105 046.00112 466.00118 296.00
13.0 53 530.0055 226.0083 422.0086 072.0094 976.0095 294.00115 752.00113 314.00121 158.00126 988.00
14.0 56 286.0058 406.0089 358.0092 220.00101 972.00102 290.00124 232.00121 582.00129 850.00135 680.00
15.0 59 042.0061 586.0095 294.0098 368.00108 968.00109 286.00132 712.00129 850.00138 542.00144 372.00
16.0 61 798.0064 766.00101 230.00104 516.00115 964.00116 282.00141 192.00138 118.00147 234.00153 064.00
17.0 64 554.0067 946.00107 166.00110 664.00122 960.00123 278.00149 672.00146 386.00155 926.00161 756.00
18.0 67 310.0071 126.00113 102.00116 812.00129 956.00130 274.00158 152.00154 654.00164 618.00170 448.00
19.0 70 066.0074 306.00119 038.00122 960.00136 952.00137 270.00166 632.00162 922.00173 310.00179 140.00
20.0 72 822.0077 486.00124 974.00129 108.00143 948.00144 266.00175 112.00171 190.00182 002.00187 832.00
21.0 75 578.0080 878.00130 910.00135 256.00150 732.00151 050.00183 380.00179 458.00190 694.00196 524.00
22.0 78 334.0084 270.00136 846.00141 404.00157 516.00157 834.00191 648.00187 726.00199 386.00205 216.00
23.0 81 090.0087 662.00142 782.00147 552.00164 300.00164 618.00199 916.00195 994.00208 078.00213 908.00
24.0 83 846.0091 054.00148 718.00153 700.00171 084.00171 402.00208 184.00204 262.00216 770.00222 600.00
25.0 86 602.0094 446.00154 654.00159 848.00177 868.00178 186.00216 452.00212 530.00225 462.00231 292.00
26.0 89 358.0097 838.00160 590.00165 996.00184 652.00184 970.00224 720.00220 798.00234 154.00239 984.00
27.0 92 114.00101 230.00166 526.00172 144.00191 436.00191 754.00232 988.00229 066.00242 846.00248 676.00
28.0 94 870.00104 622.00172 462.00178 292.00198 220.00198 538.00241 256.00237 334.00251 538.00257 368.00
29.0 97 626.00108 014.00178 398.00184 440.00205 004.00205 322.00249 524.00245 602.00260 230.00266 060.00
30.0 100 382.00111 406.00184 334.00190 588.00211 788.00212 106.00257 792.00253 870.00268 922.00274 752.00
40.0 138 542.00149 566.00247
260 548.00285 988.00286 306.00344 712.00340 790.00372 802.00378 632.00
50.0 176 702.00187 726.00311 534.00330 508.00360 188.00360 506.00431 632.00427 710.00476 682.00482 512.00
60.0 214 862.00225 886.00375 134.00400 468.00434 388.00434 706.00518 552.00514 630.00580 562.00586 392.00
70.0 253 022.00264 046.00438 734.00470 428.00508 588.00508 906.00605 472.00601 550.00684 442.00690 272.00

Adder rates for additional 0.5kg from 10.1kg

FromToZone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Zone 5Zone 6Zone 7Zone 8Zone 9Zone 10
10.1201 378.001 590.002 968.003 074.003 498.003 498.004 240.004 134.004 346.004 346.00
20.1301 378.001 696.002 968.003 074.003 392.003 392.004 134.004 134.004 346.004 346.00

Adder rates for additional 1kg from 30.1kg

● All Rates stated here are in RWF. Adder/Multiplier Rates specified up to are inclusive rates.
● The Rates as set out in this rate card are valid only until December 31 of the year the Rates are quoted. The Rates are subject to a General Price Increase (GPI) effective January 1st of each year.
● The Rates as set out in this rate card are based on the shipment volumes and profiles that have been provided by the Customer. In the event of a shortfall on the projected volumes or a substantial change in the weight or destination mix, DHL reserves the right to revise the Rates at any time upon prior written notice to the Customer.
● DHL reserves the right to revise the Rates at any time upon prior written notice to the Customer if there is a substantial change in the Customer’s service requirements, local currency’s exchange rate to EUR/USD or in DHL’s costs.
● Fuel surcharges, customs duties, taxes and clearance-related charges are not included in the tariffs. Shipment insurance is also available. For more information, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at +250 788 167 200 /1/2/3.
● DHL Express does not accept shipments exceeding 3,000kg, or containing pieces exceeding 300 kg or 300 cm length, or not meeting DHL standards for packing. Refer to Packing Guide on These network restrictions are subject to change with 30 days notice.